- name
- format (gif,png)
- resolution
- license (free, GPL, Creative Commons, etc ...)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Graphic for your application or site
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Semantic Links Wiki
Thursday, March 15, 2007
One year in Live
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Furebug - great web development tool
- JavaScript debugger
- Nice watch panel that shows all about JavaScript objects, functions, variables
- DOM Viewer
- CSS Viewer
- Dynamic HTML Viewer that can higliht elements on the FF when your mouse is over HTML tag
- Inspector - to select any object on the rendered page and show it's HTML
- Console
- Editor
- Features to speed up your code
Very useful tutorial is here. Also you can find some videos about Firebug.
Monday, February 19, 2007
To Open or not to Open?
Sunday, February 18, 2007
The mashup is a pipe in Yahoo! terms. So you can create your pipe with use:
- Inputs from Yahoo Search, Fetch, Google Base, Flickr.
- User inputs: numbers, strings, URL, location, …
- Operators – they help to process data: create loops, counters, filters and other.
- Other modules and operators.
Very interesting is that you can reuse other pipe in your own pipe.
Mostly pipes are suitable to analyze RSS feeds. This is because Yahoo provides several cool modules that work with feed. For example I created a pipe that do the following:
- Gets user input (search text)
- fetch feeds from:
- http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/semantic
- http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/semanticweb
- http://del.icio.us/rss/tag/rdf
- search for “search text” in every entry of feeds
Pipes can be useful to search what you need across feeds with similar semantic. Especially if you search every day.
It’s not so tricky to create your own pipe. Also I’m sure that number of allowed modules will grow and more complex pipes will be possible just as 1-2-3.
Start from example pipes to understand how they work http://pipes.yahoo.com/tags/example/
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Demo of the new WEB ;)
- Catalog (the catalog itself). It contains only list of Topics and HeadTopics.
- HeadTopic – is a simple class that visualizes a title and some html page as a description.
- Topic – This lists innovation companies within some area (IT, Astronomy, etc…).
- Provider (lets say innovation company). It contains all information about innovation company including:
- List of projects with they descriptions (showcase)
- Attributes of the company (address, phone, etc…)
- Tags
- Project – Just description of project.
Classes are depicted below:
After that I tuned look & feel for these classes. I just specified what widgets to use for attributes. For TopicList I specified MasterDetailWidget and specified Topics Attribute as a master list. ListWidget will be used to visualize and provide behaviors for Topics (and HeadTopics) list. The detail area stays empty. This will be loaded when some item selected in a master list.I don’t want to describe all classes, but I’ll describe most complex class in my ontology: Provider. Provider contains 10 attributes and I specified widgets for them:
- ImageWidget for ImageLabel attribute
- LabelWidget for:
- Title
- Country
- City
- SiteURL
- TextWidget for Description
- ListWidget for:
- Phones
- Showcase
- Tags
Most of them are depicted below:
That and now I have a result that can be simply checked if you have IE browser. Just press button in the “SemanticLinks Demo” section (Right Top area of the blog). If you have Microsoft IE browser then you can play with it and see the results.